[i]Will I always be there for you
When you need someone
Will I be that one you need
Will I do all my best to
To protect you
When the tears get near your eyes
Will I be the one that's by your side
Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will i keep the rain from fallin down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise I will
Will I take tender care of you
Take your darkest night
And make it bright for you
Will I be there to make you strong
And to lean on
When this world has turned so cold
Will I be the one that's there to hold
Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will I keep the rain from falling down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise, I promise
I promise I will, yeah
And I love you more every day
And nothing will take that love away
When you need someone
I'll promise I'll be there for you
There for you
Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will I keep the rain from falling down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise I will, yeah..[/i]
A tak pozatym.. Fatalny humor.. Wiecie? Niektórzy ludzie naprawde potrafią WSZYSTKO zepsuć.. Szkoda gadać..
P.S. Dziękuje za wszystkie komentarze, pod poprzednią notką! ;] Jesteście najlepsi :*