Haven't been here for a while.
I got over 1K pics here. How come? I glanced through them roughly, sometimes suprising myself with the amount of dumbness & sometimes with being slim at times LOL.
It passed so quickly, my goodness! So many people, so many emotions, ups and downs but also plenty of inspirations.
I don't know what made me write today, but if it comes with changes, so to say, I'll give a shoutout to my brand new room and a wardrobe. The glorious mirror-wise wardrobe. And baroque, ornamental beautie aka wallpaper. OMG. Soooooo in love with my cozy, comfy, lovely place on the earth. But yeah, I paid for it with my own hands and hardwork.
And coming to that roomy kinda mood - big changes unexpectedly occured and if it goes well - I have to admit I'm the luckiest gurl on that freaking planet, y'all!
Life is so good.
I'm so happy. And lucky.
I got health. Two legs and two arms. I got family. I got good friends. I do one of my favourite things, for a living, to be honest. Also begining again my friendship with music. Not so seriously, but still. :)
I love my life.
Thank You, Lord.