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Dodano: 7 STYCZNIA 2010

problems start :)

Uwielbiam SGA. Ostatnio też Sanctuary. Zwłaszcza Henry'ego i jego "AWESOME!" i generalnie Nicola. Ten wampirek jest normalnie genialny.


Fik rusza się powoli. Jakby fajnie było, gdyby sesja i terminy ostateczne wszystkiego zbliżały się w tak żółwim tempie...



What? asked Rodney reaching to his earpiece. Im sure you can take care of it without me& No? Why? Then his expression changed. Back to curious but annoyed one. WHAT?
He left the balcony in haste, so typical for him.
Few moments later John tapped his own earpiece to answer Yes, Ill be there in a minute. He looked at them all with strange face. Whats with this city, that nothing works&? When he saw surprised looks from them he explained. There are some problems with basic systems, they cant make some of them respond. His earpiece stirred again. Yeah, Rodney, on my way to gateroom.
When Jennifer and Carson headed to infirmary, Amelia stepped closer to Ronon. How do you like Earth so far? She asked. I know youve lost your home& thanks for coming here with us to save this one. Hope youll feel good here.
Its nice. Eloquent as always. He smiled. And Ive got new home& Atlantis. And new family.
You sound so not like Ronon. Are you sure nobody switched you?
Ronon smiled wider. Sunrise on Earth was nothing compared to Lantea, but nevertheless it was quite impressive. Ive been there before, he said with Sheppard. And it could be worse.
In the meantime atmosphere in the Gateroom was anything but calm. Technicians were moved by Rodney from place to place, more than usual. Woolsey looked helpless, as scientist tried to get some of the systems online.
Whats happening he asked at last, really worrying.
I cant connect to the ancient mainframe as I would like to. Or as we used to, I should say.
What do you mean by that?
That I have no way to bring on most of the systems, like our sensors. Only things really working are cloak and Zed-P-M power output monitoring.
Im in the chair, McKay.
Ok, try bringing internal sensors online.
What? McKay, you can do this manually from control room!
The problem is, I cant.


fenekuszaty ... Annikowi kompletnie odbiło.... :o
08/01/2010 14:44:01