They all stood on the balcony outside the main tower and looked amazed at the Golden Gate bridge before them. They were back on Earth finally, all alive and well. Ok, mostly well, but no permanent injuries, no, just some minor ones. All happy that it happened like that. They were all on the balcony -John, Rodney with Jennifer, Teyla, Carson, Ronon, Amelia. Even Wolsey.
"He is different from the guy who came to command a year ago" whispered Sheppard after Wolsey had been recalled to the control room.
"Mr. Wolsey?" asked Teyla.
"Aye," said Carson." I can see it too."He's more like..." he stopped in the middle.
"More like Weir?" finished Ronon. "Ya. He's ok."
"Too much time with you, Kirk," interrupted Rodney "and everyone starts acting strangely. Thank god I'm to intelligent to be like others."
Everyone smiled at that comment. Just like Rodney. Jennifer hugged him closer without a word. This was McKay and basically they came to like him being just like that.
Bo mnie ostatnio naszło na fan-fiction. SGA dokładnie. Rozpoczęcie - w miejscu zakończenia piątej (ostatniej) serii. Atlantyda wróciłą do domu - na Ziemię.
Gatunek: General/Fluff Pairings: jak na razie tylko te oficjalne: McKeller, Teyla/Kanaan, potem pewnie nieco Sparky :) albo i nawet więcj niż nieco... Na pewno sporo łączników z postaciami SG1, bo jakże by inaczej. A co, wolny kraj, można sobie popisać :) Tak czy inaczej pisanie po polsku - odpada - kompletnie nie wiedziałabym jak pokazać konkretne postaci bez ich szczególnego języka. Np Carson. No właśnie, muszę chyba Carsona z kimś zpairingować. Może po prostu wrócę Cadman... Jak myślisz, Fenek? W końcu polibiłaś ciapowatego Szkota ;)