Therese dziekuje za wszystko .
Za to e bylas cierpliwa dla kazdego z nas
A w szczegolonsoci dla tych z The onrange the oni to mieli pomysly HeHe stare dobre czasy
Dziekuje jeszcze raz xxx
Deare 6th class
Because you were the first class I ever taught in my career you all are very spacial to me .
Every day I got to work with you has been an absolute pleasure and I am proud os every single one of you and all your achievements throughtout the year.
I would like to thank you all for you help and co-operation during the year and for all the energy and enthusiasm you gave to llessons , games and all school activities . Thank you for your ideas , your sense of humor and your honesty .
Thank you for your exellent art works and most of all for all the hard work you put into making our class what is today .
Secendary school will mark an exciting new beginning for all of you . It will be ful of new friends and exciting opportunities and I have no doubt that you will all continue to excel in every aspect of school life . Try to remember that as your face big changes you are not alone as we will thinking of you .
You are an extremely talented group of young people and I have a special memory of each and every one of you . I encourage you to stay in contact with each other and of course with all of us here in NETNS
Wishing tou all the best now and always ,
Inni użytkownicy: req12paolkaksniezka96misiek012bambiiik057maz44asdbkicia564aniasobkarolinanananana
Inni zdjęcia: Nareszcie jest fucktycznie71Jeszcze mroźno purpleblaack... maxima24... maxima24Kafka locomotiv... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24Ślepowron slaw300* * * * takapaulinka