tak, to nie jest mój obraz (widać po linku) oraz nie moja
piosenka. Podziele się po prostu...
pragnąłem ją wstawić... z pewnych przyczyn...
And now I know the only compass that I need is the one that leads back to you.
And I know the only compass that I need, oh is the one that leads back to you.
And the burning blisters on my feet will calm,
So hold me as I m close to flaw.
Away from the warmth of your arms I stay,
off the radar and into harms way.
Now I know the only compass that I need, oh is the one that leads back to you.
Yeah, coffee will raise the head again,
cokes that lead us from the pain.
Words just sit like empty scribbles,
such empty caffeinated widows.
Now I know the only compass that I need is the one that leads back to you.
Now I know the only compass that I need, oh is the one that leads back to you.
So hold me when I'm here
Right me when I'm wrong
Hold me when I'm scared
And love me when I'm gone
Inni zdjęcia: Zima 2025r. rafal15891407 akcentovaAktualne zdjęcie dawstemoja śliczna patkigdmoja kicia patkigdja patkigdja patkigd:) dorcia2700Dzień kobiet szarooka9325... thevengefulone