Dear 2016,
I'm not going to take long, I promise.
You've been quite a tremendous year. In many ways so challenging, yet so sweet and spoiling.
I just wanted to thank you that you welcomed someone very special in my life. Someone who made every day merrier. Someone who understands who I am. I think I can admit it - it's been my golden birthday. Thanks.
You've upsetted me a few times as well. But thank you for that. It gives me even more strength.
Just please talk to 2017. I need to finish law school, get a job, pass the bar exam... I just wish people who I love so much stand by me during these times. That's my only wish next year. I kept my promise, you keep it too, please.
P.S. When it rains, it showers.
Inni użytkownicy: sniezka96misiek012bambiiik057maz44asdbkicia564aniasobkarolinananananarybal69dzasta95a
Inni zdjęcia: * * * * takapaulinkaWylot Burzowca bluebird11Zagroda. ezekh114PIERWSZE MARCOWE LISTKI xavekittyxOddziela Wisła. ezekh114:) dorcia2700Podróż to przygoda elmar*** coffeebean1... maxima24... maxima24