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Informacje o excusemeiwannadrive
O sobie: - we really should stop this fightin' , otherwise we`ll miss the fireworks .
- there won`t be any fireworks .
- and .. here .. we .. go ..
- what were you tryin' to prove ? that deep down , everyone`s as ugly as you ? you`re alone .
- can`t rely on anyone these days . you gotta do everythin' yourself ? don`t we ? that`s okey . i came prepared . it`s a funny world we live in . speakin' of which , you know how i got this scars ?
- no , but i know how you got these .
- oh , you . you just couldn`t let me go , could you ? this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object . you truly are incorruptible , aren`t you ? huh ? you won`t kill me .. out of some misplaced sense of self - righteousness . and i won`t kill you .. because you`re just too much fun . i think , you and i ale destined to do this forever .
- you`ll be in a padded cell forever .
- maybe we could share one . you know , they`ll be doublin' up .. the rate this city`s inhabitants are losin' their minds .
- this city just showed you that it`s full of people ready to believe in good .
- until their spirits breaks completely . until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent and all the heroic things he`s done . you didn`t think i`d risk losin' the battle for Gotham`s soul in a fistfight with you ? no .. you need an ace in the hole . mine`s Harvey .
- what did you do ?
- i took Gotham`s white knight and i bought him down to our level . it wasn`t hard . see , madness , as you know .. is like gravity .. all it takes is a little push ..