Na fotce widnieje ja z moim katarem...
Niestety nie chce mnie on pozostawić samej sobie
Jutro występ którego przebiegu nie mam zamiaru komentować;p
dla zainteresowanych nr gg;7742885
Pozdro for gangsta z Pszczyny no i Gilowice....
Now she's gone
Maybe too late
It was a problem for you..Yeah
It was a problem for you
Now she's gone
I think that's too late
It was a problem for me..Yeah
It was a problem for me
You may keep memories in your hands
You may throw the too the well
And still wishing your Romeo
Who's promised to be there I never come
I don't think that we're meant
for each ander everything
Life's good and I don't care
What's your way to the end
Now she's gone
Maybe too late
It was a problem for you..Yeah
It was a problem for you
Now she's gone
I'll go my new way
It was a problem for me..Yeah
It was a problem for me
You may keep memories in your hands
You may throw the too the well
And still wishing your Romeo
Who's promised to be there I never come
I don't think that we're meant
for each ander everything
Life's good and I don't care
What's your way to the end
You might say to me,just hold me close,and taste my love
But now I'm fall away
Yeah,she smart and so leader
always smiling or missing me
But even me and even god
couldn't say,it wasa true love at first sight