ja, moje pyzy, koksy i tysiąc kilogramów kochanego ciałka witamy z powrotem. ;*
I was walking, was living
My melody was acapella
Theres a beat I was missing
No tune, or a scale, I could play
The sound in the distance
No orchestra playing together
Like a boat out to sea,
The silence was too deafening
So come and revive me
I cant feel my heartbeat
Just me surviving alone
Inni użytkownicy: myskax3alexcvbogna123lollypoplollypopolejtoxddderwa22protectyourauraelmariachi28921lordmagriffy93gandahar
Inni zdjęcia: Stasic duchem obecny bluebird11... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24Fix me milionvoicesinmysoulArchiwum X pustkawarzona... maxima24Ławka zużyta. ezekh114Kto zgadnie gdzie to jest? keris