Next day was beauty. Beach, sun, sea, iced cola.What's more? I took part in a Fakir &fire show! How? Mini Disco with younger brotherand cousin. Black Hat asked about assistance in his show. So say ok! Why not? And a pink trousers, black top and a really strong makeup was on me. I was helping Eddi with the glass. New experience. My dad was standing on B.H. ... That was like a cherry on a cake. After show was time for a cigarette. I hate this smell. I hate it... Then we was talking. He was angry again. I know why but i can't understand his reaction...
Whatever... Next day we was on the trip. It was good change for us. Something special has happend. That was a rainy day! We was in Turkey and the rain was falling down. Amazing experience!
This night we was looking up for a fireworks. There was a big, big wedding, and not only us was looking up for fireworks. We meet there photographers. It was nice. We was talking and dancing with the wind.
I and Aga called the next day "A Ssss...snake day". Just because of snake tattoo and some crazy event. We went on a photo with a Sssnake man. The photo are extremely good! This night we was with a Sssnake man and his cousin in a disco. Black Hat don't look happy because of that. After dance we was in amphitheater. Sleep and Music, you, music was sweet.
Our last day was "Szalony" like Black Hat will say. Oh! We was talking and meeting with Photographers and with boys from Animation Team and in the night we was writing two letters. And I have had a strange while in the lift. They all was outside of it...
But maybe the last day again...