The last day... The last night... Oh... It was the most crazy, stupid, funny and dangerous day. Sound like nothing special? Ok. But if only you can feel this all...
Start was normal. Beach, sea, wind and sun. One thing which change was the moment on the swimming pool. After it, two teams was wandering from up to down, to the beach. It was stupid. We don't talk to each other (but maybe I don't remember).
After all i decided to go with my mum and aunt with dolmusz to Cesme. When we came back to hotel we meet Mr. Jambo. We was talking about lether jackets for my dad. It was good time, but i was late for meeting with Photographers (that was the reason why cousin of our "Sex Machine" was angry and don't want to talk with me). Aga fall out with Mr. Ssssnake. After this "last meeting" we was talking with Eddie. Black Hat in the end decided to seat with us. We make up with them. Crazy, crazy night.
When we came to our room, was time to pack up. I don't want to say about the lift more than "Ola, Olalalala...". After so hard day we was sleepy but we want to make up with everybody and explain everything, so we written the two similar letters.
I don't want write about the letters. All boys get their message. And all of them know, what they think about it.
Now we are happy because of being at home. Some man are angry, some man is totally different than he said, some man is exactly how we think, and some man don't understand us. To sum up: I lost my shirt, there was a few thing which I have never excepted, I learned few Turkish words and I have meet few nice, crazy people. Now I know that I am a little bitch. Sad? True? No. He cant understand. I know one. Next year can be everywhere, but no Turkey.
Dedicated to
P & A.T.
Batikan Tolga Gokhan Ediz Erdinc Veysel
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Inni zdjęcia: Stasic duchem obecny bluebird11... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24Fix me milionvoicesinmysoulArchiwum X pustkawarzona... maxima24Ławka zużyta. ezekh114Kto zgadnie gdzie to jest? keris