"Siema Darling!"
Our holiday. Oh. It was like a ... I don't know. This holiday was different than another. I can show you if you want to. It was started normally. New place, new views, new people. Everything around was new. First night was a family night. We was seating with cola and some man was playing the guitar. It was quite good. Next day was a full of salty water, yellow sand, soothing wind and gold sun. It was perfect with good music and "Love stories" by E.E. Schmitt. After this day I was thinking, that nothing can change, but...
But next day we meet a boy in a Black Hat. Yes... Here starting our adventures!
He said: "Let's go! The fashion show is a good fun!", so why we couldn't try? After one drink I was a bit more than less. It was something new. Next new thing... But whatever... The show time! It was funny and totally different than we expected. After all, Black Hat was angry to me without any reason. This night we decided to go to the Disco. It was nice there. Black Hat was dancing with me. There was no more than 15 people...