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Dodano: 4 MAJA 2006
Mury mego miasta porasa nielegalna plantacija zielonego chwasta Hits from the bong Hits from the bong Hits from the bong Hits from the bong Pick it Pack it Fire it up, come along And take a hit from the bong Put the blunt down Just for a second Don't get me wrong It's not a new method Inhale Exhale Just got an ounce in the mail I like a blunt or a big fat cone But my double-barrel bong Is gettin' me stoned Homeskillet There's water inside don't spill it It smells like shit on the carpet Still it Goes down smooth when I get a clean hit Of the skunky, phunky, smelly green shit Sing my song Puff all night long As I take hits from the bong Hits from the bong y'all Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Let's smoke that bowl Hit the bong And then take that finger off of that hole Plug it Unplug it Don't strain I love you Mary Jane She never complains When I hit Mary With that flame I light up the cherry She's so good to me When I pack a fresh bowl I clean the screen Don't get me stirred up The smoke, through the bubbling water Is makin' it pure so I got ta Take my hit and hold it Just like Chong I get the bowl and I reload it Get my four-footer and bring it on As I take hits from the bong Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Gonna get high Hits from the bong Straighten your dick out Gonna get high KOCHAM CIE KASIEŃKO


Użytkownik usunięty ...wooow...
Piękne to masz przyznam szczerze:)
asz się buźka cieszy jak się widzi takie piękności:)
04/05/2006 13:26:51
mazi FIRST :D
04/05/2006 13:16:34
mazi elo,., no no widze ze ladnie sie dzieje w twoim domQ :],.,.ale pieknie rosnie gibon :].,. a ta piosenke to kojarze z filmu \"How High\" na samym poczatku.,. i po \"i love you Mary Jane. jest tekst .,. \"What the fuck is your problem\"::P jesli dobrze pamietam :P
Pozdro zia
04/05/2006 13:14:25

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