Z tym jedynym :)
Uwielbiam Cie!:)
Nie bede duzo pisala, bo tylko Ty wiesz co naprawde czuje...
Tylko Ty doskonale mnie znasz...
Tylko Ty wiesz kim dla mnie jestes..
Tylko Ty tak wspaniale calujesz!
Tylko Ty nie udajesz nikogo...:*
Tylko Ty Jestes moim Idealem :**
Tylko z Toba chce dzielic zycie...
I dont need me a basketball player
All I need is somebody thats down for me
and he dont have to have money
his love is just like honey
its so sweet to me
he had everything in this world
but he sacraficied it all for me
and I made up my mind
im in love this time
and it feels so real
And I
know that he wont break my heart
And I
know that we wont ever part
its time, time for us to settle down
And I
wanna be with him forever
I love you
and all of the things that You do
oh Baby please