Today August 18,Saturday.
One and a half years of friendship with you.
A lot of days, a lot of memories, good and bad days. Despite this,you've became someone important to me, I know that I'm for you as well,you told me so many times, but I sometimes doubted. Ur smile always makes me smile. You're still important to me, you'll always and I'd like you to remember this, whatever happens. I tried to be the best for you,but sometimes failed. This friendship has meant a lot to me, still means a lot. You ever thought that I left you alone, you remember? but I'm still,look! I'm here. For you always I'll. Nothng and no one can change that, you know. Thank you for every minute,hour, for so many months that you have sacrificed me. For that,you haven't given up on our friendship,although sometimes you had enough of me. But i hope that you know how much you're important to me,TO THIS DAY, that I'm not exchange you for anyone another. Maybe it's funny,but ur name,Mateusz,will always be associated me with you,with stg damn important. I remember those days in which you find more time for me than now, what happened? I don't know, it doesn't matter. But I thank you for everything. I miss you,in those days,but still you're,thank you so mach. If suddenly the world would come to an end, I'd take you by the hand and walked away. The day,on which I met you,was one of the best days of my life.