O sobie: I am an artist,
sings my soul,
I will draw your thoughts
I will dance your woes
away into the night,
be I in the spot light,
or in the darkest night
it is my passion and my delight
to give pictures to your heart
and words to your soul,
which is why you'll say I get you,
when you're down in that deep dark hole,
or in the mountain tops flying high as a kite;
yes, I will make those hairs on your neck stand
so they can bow at my light....
I am an artist
and you will live my soul,
because my soul is my art
and my art is your world.
By C.A.Schmidt
Czym się zajmuję: Sztuka, Anime, IIustracja, Fotografia,Muzyka, Web design, Grafika