fuck you weather
Stiupid song for you Siupid bitch
And when the Snow (little:( )begins to fall
You`ll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
You'll never have to ask me why.
And when the snow begins to fall
I'll be the sunshine in your life
You know that we can have it all
And everything will be allright.
~By AGE PEE ... :*
You are the bitch
You Very very lost poured.....:[wsciekly]:[wsciekly]:[wsciekly]
....Good by snowboard.....
Yyyhhhh.....I'm nervous......:(
Greeting for
~Grac!a....I love you :* :* :* :* :*
~And everyone people....:P
P.S a to wszystko po angielsku bo mi odjebało od nauki...jezeli jest jakas wątpliwosc do jakiegos wyrazu to pisac.....:]
my gg - 7966415 - napisz ktos...;P...Ale najlepiej jakis moj kumpel....:)