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Dodano: 21 MAJA 2010

love and hate.

It was summer. The July 27th.  I felt lonely and i lost my best friend. The time i spand cryin' and cutting are extremely long. Also i get into huge depression. I had to take pills 'cause else i'd of try to kill myself. That deffinately was the worst time in my life. But then suddenly he came into my life. It was amazning i fall for him since the very first conversation. He was a lovely guy with a hug smile at his face. That smile were the first thing i fall for. His eyes were shining every time he smiled. With every convo we had i felt like i knew him all my life. He become my best friend but it wasn't enough i wanted him only for myself. I been pretty selfish but it didn't matter 'cause i loved him. Yes i really did loved him. We understood each other without talking so we been spanding loads of time just looking at each other. It was amazing. My heart been beating really fast every time we spoke or looked at each other. I really loved the feelings i been gettin' when we have been together. The we started to dating i really don't know how did that happend. But now it doesn't matter. We spand together a month but i felt like it were years. But i have been too jealous and it was makin' me be a proper bitch. The distance didn't help at all. It all made that we split up. I lost him but i knew that i was the one he loved. The one he needed. The one he wanted to be with. I lost him as a boyfriend but he promised me that i'll always have him as my friend. The next two month we still been close. It seemd like we were still together. He said that i'm his angel that i always will be and that he loves me like he never loved anyone. I  believed him but it was a big mistake. :/ His ex came back into his life again. Although she had, he told me that i'm the one he is in love with and that he loves me like no one else. I believed again that i'm the love of his life. But all that crap been lies. With every week he been gettin' closer with her and it have been settin' us apart. After a month of bein' with her he blamed me for them nearly spliting up. She found my latters to him and she wanted to leave him but she didn't and when i told him that i was only a big mistake of his life. He shout at me sayin' " the only mistake i made was when i didn't hide better your latters'' it gave me a hope again. But it was next of his lies. Now he isn't in my life anymore. And i'm left all alone with my fuckin' stupid love. Cheers. ASK ;)


basia944 to dobrze. : )
27/05/2010 23:52:13
basia944 to dobrze. : )
porządki? : P
27/05/2010 23:46:53
karpediem ładne, ty pracujesz w jakimś studiu tatuażu czy coś ? :D
25/05/2010 15:48:01
karpediem ładne, ty pracujesz w jakimś studiu tatuażu czy coś ? :D
25/05/2010 15:47:39
shanedawson Świetne ;*
24/05/2010 16:53:38
zaaaaloh ale ja nie jestem słodki ^ ^
24/05/2010 16:43:43
paawianoos oj nie ma nie ma ; )
24/05/2010 14:45:02
your666princess a nic ;) ;*
24/05/2010 7:57:51
tr4k1 a gdzie idzeisz? bo chyba trafic nie mozesz ; >>
23/05/2010 22:01:37
~dyingstar :** moja piękna < 3
23/05/2010 21:06:08
doska124 Fajne ;d
23/05/2010 21:03:55
killinglovestory Bardzo dobrze, tylko czekam na wakacje teraz ; )
A u Ciebie? ; 33
23/05/2010 21:01:42
hiphopwsluchawkach u mnie ? bywało lepiej..
a u Ciebie ? ; **********
23/05/2010 20:10:39
eencepencee dawaj jakieś swoje zdjęcia kurde ;-* !
23/05/2010 18:46:17
kas92 <3
23/05/2010 17:59:04
eyzamulee aaaa, nie prawda bo ja ! ;*
23/05/2010 17:50:58
x3nicolus5x3 kicia ; *
23/05/2010 16:38:41
zulaa a no nie ma za co dziękować :D znaczy najlepszym podziękowaniem byłoby gdybyś do mnei naisała :D na gg najlepiej albo na komórkę :P ;**
23/05/2010 16:13:55
xnadii ee tam, wcale, że nie : )
23/05/2010 15:57:23
zwyczajniexzwyczajna ; *********
23/05/2010 15:42:49