Dobry wieczór! :D
mhm, nie skończyłam do końca oglądać Never Say Never bo już nie mogłam... chce Justina w PL!! <3 i jego świąteczna płytę tez już chce. Okładka jest przesłodka <3 spać mi się chce...
When for the first time I saw your face., I heard your laughter, I saw your tears... The heart for me broke, since I could not be by you, when I wanted it.
Everything in you is so perfect that even I am not able to describe it.
I know that it won't be possible to change so that the life wreathes us with itself. You are happily in love and I hope that it is true love. He wants to give what you need to you. She would give it to you, of what I will never be able to give you. There is one thing, in which I am good. I am Belieber.
I will always be her. I will be supporting you not depending on what decision you will make. You have a plenty of fans and never forget about them.
Never !