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Dodano: 2 LUTEGO 2009

like tears of blood that roll off your hands, as if you were crying blood, as if the whole world was bleeding, and every person was covered in blood, like if every being was torn from above, and the wounds bleed deeply, furiously, and unending. like the blank stare of a billion bleeding souls, like the wretched air that burns you like hot coals, like your soul covered with dirt and mud, like the entire world is covered in your blood, something dreadful, something painful, something evil, something ugly, something wicked, something wretched, something horrid, something morbid, like the stinging in your eyes, like the frozen skies, like when your eyes pop out of you head, like your fingers fall off dead, like when your back is skinned, like when the real pain begins. begins, begins. something dreadful, something evil, something wicked, something horrid, something hurting, Something bleeding Something bleeding, Something bleeding, Something bleeding, Blood, Blood, Blood&&


thegirlwhowasdeath staremury-kimkolwiek jesteś ja też pozdrawiam;>
24/04/2009 7:26:09
~staremury Pozdrawiam*

*Teraz przy dźwiękach My Dying Bride.

Pojawiam się i znikam, wciąż szukam swojego miejsca.
16/04/2009 13:08:35
kolcema Widze w prawym dolnym rogu jakby postać duszka :) może jakaś twarz.... pierwsza myśl- krew.
Witam i pozdrawiam :)
17/03/2009 8:14:39
thegirlwhowasdeath Ja również pozdrawiam...gdzie twój PB?
17/03/2009 8:00:11
~Tomasz Kiedyś ladytron bądż abraxas.

Pozdrawiam, przy dźwiękach Devil Doll.
15/03/2009 22:13:11
kahuna pierwsza mysl.. koktajl malinowy xDD
17/02/2009 16:20:29
antropina hm.

04/02/2009 15:12:57

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