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Dodano: 14 WRZEŚNIA 2012

There's nowhere to run
No place you can go
Nowhere you can hide
Where you won't be found
There's no place on earth
Where you could lay low
Wherever you are
I will track you down
There's no way in hell
I will let you leave
Let you just get up
And walk out on me
There's no way on earth
Hell would have to freeze
More than twice before
I will let you go!


Kosmiczna Agencja ds. spełniania niespełnionych marzeń?

Czas zacząć spełniać!


A Basstuba napierdala!

Tune UP! ----> Chase & Status


agusiowata buzibuzi :*
14/09/2012 9:24:27
tezetwu cmokcmok :*
14/09/2012 9:47:58

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