O sobie: "wouldn't it be more of an act of rebellion if you didn't spend so much time buying blue hair dye and going out to get punky clothes? it seems so petty. stop me if I'm being offensive. you wanna be an individual, right? you look like you're wearing a uniform. you look like a punk. that's not rebellion. that's fashion."
war is sexy, suicide is sexy, drink and drive, im too drunk to fuck and you're too fast, too furious drop the pigment and drive me home jestem na minusie aż do krwi, chodzę po mieście, gram w teledyskach, jak połowa ludzi na świecie mam okres, kochasz mnie, mimo że strupy zjadam? pro-choice is more pro-life than anti-choice
remix MC HAMMERA, JURASSIC PARK, DRAGON BALL, OPOWIEŚCI Z KRYPTY i perwersyjnej fascynacji złym gustem
+ borderline i zespół stresu pourazowego, amputofilia
jak mnie kochasz, to mnie puść {trzyma do usranej śmierci} jak mnie kochasz, to się puść
< 3 B O R D E R L I N E < / 3 moje hobby
if you wanna be respected you have to proove that you're the stronger
and if you wanna be the stronger you have to stop trusting anyone
and if you're not trusting anyone you're going to end up with no friends
and if you end up with no friends you're gonna feel so lonely
and if you feel so lonely you're gonna seek for new friends
and if you find some new friends you're gonna think they are so great
and if you think they're so great in 2 minutes you'll give them everything
but they don't deserve it
taki kolaż, szprej szablon szaber love szpej murarz z dobrego domu ze smakiem na gorsze życie, klasyka literatury plus samookaleczenia
znak zodiaku: czarna wdowa
Moje konta:Gadu-Gadu: 3334293MOOSERIVER!!!! nick15 uber alles: lucid dreaming: litera tura: body mody: digart: straszna sztuka: Daniela Edburg: outre gallery: myspace: LAST.FM: feministing: muz: 6 tysięcy dziennie: mi wystarczy: zawijam parówy: w stronę słońca: