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Dodano: 31 LIPCA 2006
They won't see the fire you have lit inside of me. They look up to the stars and wonder where you might be. Leave the gun. Without realizing they're standing in the palm of your hand. I can't explain or understand. I just love you. It's common knowledge that; you've been dead for a while. It's well known that the cross is only a burden with pains and trials. But thinking how come my shoes are so light, how come I can walk for miles? And still, just love you? So I think I'll stay, caught up in silent prayer, cause I believe in silence. Our hearts speak the same words. So why don't we just walk along the shoreline with our silent song? Cause I believe in silence. Our hearts speak the same words, the same words. We have to prove that our love is real, over and over again. But let them think what they want cause I know It'll never end. Cause I know when it began. And my heart still pumps twice as fast whenever you walk by. Cause I still love you. So I think I'll stay, caught up in silent prayer, cause I believe in silence. Our hearts speak the same words. So why don't we just walk along the shoreline with our silent song? Cause I believe in silence. Our hearts speak the same words, the same words. Blindside - Silence :[damyrade]


~igla dziekuje za wpisik:))extra focia;
baldzio ladnie na niej wyszlas.
17/05/2007 14:07:15
~jogyn sloonce..... naprwade jestes piekana.... :)
07/10/2006 3:18:29
Użytkownik usunięty piknie :) :*
02/08/2006 14:00:01
giramondo - link do piosenki nr. 1 - Creed - Stand here with me :) - link nr. 2 , to jest soundtrack z filmu "Miasto aniołów"... pozdrawiam ;) czasem nie mozna zrobic nic... :*
02/08/2006 0:06:32
mariuszek01 Ładna foteczka... Piasek pod stopami(czasem na)... To jest to... ;*
01/08/2006 22:06:09
lordwajder lajtowa, plazowa fotka, pozdrwaiam z Londynu:)
01/08/2006 20:04:46
zycieinternatu LAdnie lAdnie :D
pozdrowionka i zapraszam do siebei :D:***
01/08/2006 18:20:00
Użytkownik usunięty fajna fotka ...
dzieki za komenta
01/08/2006 14:43:27
Użytkownik usunięty a może by tak po polsku bo nie wiem OCB:)
01/08/2006 12:31:03
~kajeczka013 SLicZna Focia:)
Dzieki za komenta u mnie:)
01/08/2006 8:24:33
Użytkownik usunięty No prosze taka typowa wakacyjna fotka:P...piasek dookola:D...super:P...buzka:***
01/08/2006 0:35:12
giramondo swoje wysłałem, a co do Blindside - Silence, niezwykly klimat, oryginaly i ciekawy ;)
31/07/2006 23:05:59
giramondo [email protected], czekam :) znasz np. taki zespol jak Creed ?
31/07/2006 22:17:49
jotszesc piasek fajny jest
31/07/2006 21:56:38
~kropkanadi extra fotka:)
wielkie pozdro dla Ciebie:*
31/07/2006 21:37:53
giramondo Sluchaj slonce :) skoro mam plusa, to moglabys mi przeslac te piesn na maila ? bo nie znam jej a moze byc ciekawa, a siadly mi programy p2p, obiecuje, ze tez postaram sie o jakas nowa, nieznana Ci jeszcze fajna piosenke.
31/07/2006 21:29:08
~kasia Anetka kochanie to jest fota ta co bylysmy na lezakach ??
31/07/2006 21:22:35
masterp sympatyczna
31/07/2006 21:16:00