Moze was dziwi ze zaczynam od nowa ale mam taki kaprys i juz hehe:[smiech]
Tamte stronki mi sie juz znudziły:p
Na foci jestem ja hehe w mej seksi kurteczce teges focia robiona przez MARTI:p:p
Wyszlam okropnie ale cooo tam mam nadzieje ze wam sie spodoba
Dobra nie rozpisuje sie juz bo mi sie nie chce
It was so easy that night
Should’ve been strong
Yeah I lied
Nobody gets me like you
I know everything changes
All the cities and faces
But I know how I feel
About you
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
all that it takes
one more chance
don’t let our last kiss
be our last
give me tonight and I’ll show you
I know everything changes
I don't care where it takes u
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
not a day passed me by
not a day passed me by
that I don’t think about you
and there’s no moving on
cause I know you’re the one
and I can’t be without you
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
:*I CALA KLASE 3D JAK D... hihih:*
Mysle ze na dzis wystarczy tego pisania(!)
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