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Dodano: 13 MAJA 2009

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don't believe it makes me real.
I thought it'd be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.
If you believe it's in my soul,
Id say all the words that I know,
Just to see if they wouldnt show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don't know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it's so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it's the only thing that I have.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I'd say all the words that I know,
Just to see if they wouldnt show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It's hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I'd say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own





(Sum41- żeby nie było)


240296 Heh... ;)
To ty niewiesz, że dziecią nie sprzedają xD
A ja dziecko... Co .? :).
20/05/2009 15:11:47
kuziavandj A co doczekać sie nie mogłeś ;> ;p he he
19/05/2009 22:59:10
240296 Haha.. ;)
Z Ciebie ;P xdd
19/05/2009 10:58:30
edica414 no dokładnieeeee .. ten dzien będzie najwspanialszym dniem wakacjii.. :0 :*
18/05/2009 18:26:21
edica414 Ja teżżż.. wakacje.. ten dzień :) zaplanowane :) :*
17/05/2009 9:55:33
~xxwezsieogarnijxx SpoczkOoo ziomeKk xDD ;**
Pozderki ;*
16/05/2009 9:41:32
kiciaa19 Ślicznie nic dodac nic ując
poprostu Bosko
pozdrawiam i do mnie zapraszam :)
14/05/2009 11:17:34
pauuula94 aj tam Mój miŚ ;*
13/05/2009 18:13:18
kuziavandj Fajnie ;)
13/05/2009 16:25:51
~x6tuch6acz6x sPoOkoo ;pp
13/05/2009 15:46:21
edica414 kurdczęę.. ja wiem. Ale musisz jej okazywać duuużo ciepła wiesz ? tyle ile ja bym jej dała. a dałabym na prawdę wiele .. :*
13/05/2009 15:06:53