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Dodano: 4 MAJA 2013

byle do...

byle do wakacji

byle do sierpnia

byle nad Śródziemne

byle do ognisk

byle do imprez

byle do nocek przed kompem

byle do Kwisna

byle do spania do 10

byle do Koszalina byle do nowego mieszkanka

byle do upałów

byle do biwaków




byle jak najdalej stąd.




uwielbiam tę piosenkę  


We said our goodbyes,
so I had to let you snooze
coz if u woke then Id never leave
how could I semitize
looking in your eyes it would agonize
starring in no one no time ,I just stand there paralysed
this was a strictly a one nighter
to a delight us ,we both knew this must stay quiet
it was vital we couldn't forget though ,
we never let go we just held on tighter
see I'm a lover not a fighter
so I didn't fight the fact that I'm more than liked you ,
didn't matter , we were scatter brains, under influence
to us it made sense this was more than lust
how can I explain it, I'm scratching my brain
coz its insane how these 10 hours felt like 10 years
now I'm crying 10 men's tears , as it disappears
along with the passionate atmosphere
I took a glove as a souvenir
Left the other on the pillow as I stroked your ear,
And took one last sniff of your hair
And then stared for a second and i turned as the doorway beckoned
I never even caught your name, but that's minor
Still trying to think why my heartbeat skips
See I was griped trying to work out the colour of your iris,
guess i have to call you none descript eyes miss&
miss, what ever your name was, still though that was one night to remember



unfaithfful ładnie<3 zapraszam do mnie 8*))
05/05/2013 18:33:19
punkolada byle do końca szkoły*

*by zostać z III e w kontakcie
05/05/2013 16:11:27
sasanaaa no raczej :D myślę co można wspólnie ogarnąć, jeśli nie wycieczkę : |
05/05/2013 18:00:49

Użytkownik sasanaaa
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