Ok, I should probably let you know what has happened during the last month but I think that I can't be bothered. Let's just do it in bullet points then. Most important stuff about the most important things. And then I'll try to summarize the whole year. But maybe in the next note. Sometime. I know, I'm terrible with keeping the promises about updating this blog regularly.
23rd of November. The Day of the Doctor. Watching it with two Whovians was great, at least they explained all the references I didn't get straight away. And there were quite a few, I'm still stuck somewhere in the fourth season. BUT I was the one to notice Peter Capaldi in the movie. They saw him only after the scene was repeated during an event hosted by the BBC. It was the 50th Anniversary, there was supposed to be a big event held for that after all.
Next week nearly all of the various screenings that I attend were in the Franklin-Wilkins building at Waterloo. I've never been there before and I consider finding the place a small achievement. The same goes for meeting with Karolina, a girl with whom I've been on an IELTS course, on Friday that week. I'm not good with small talk but I've managed. She came to London to check out the universities she wants to go to. In the end I've gone with her back to King's and waited for her tour around the Strand campus. After that I got back home, got my stuff together and went to Strand once again for a GeekSoc screening. I must say that I simply love our fanfiction reading after every screening. Slash fanfiction. Yeah, we're THIS type of people. The fact that over half of the group is male doesn't change a thing, M/M fanfic is a must.
First London Sherlockians meeting on the 30th of November. It was great. I didn't know exactly what to do with those guys so we ended up walking to Speedy's and then to the south side of the river to just chat and enjoy ourselves. After that day I knew that creating this group was a brilliant idea.
Showing 'Yuma' to Jake as his first Polish film ever wasn't a good idea. Ok, the thing is historically correct and everything, but only later did I realise how it presents Polish people. Oh well. Next time we'll watch 'Sexmission'.
On Friday, 6th December, I've gone to the Ridley Road Market to do a survey. It's hard to find people who want to talk to you, it took me over two hours to get three people to answer my questions. After that I simply gave up and made up the answers to the rest two needed questionairies. Whatever. One is based on my experiences with London markets, the other is based on deductions, it's all fine. At least I keep telling myself that it is fine. Later that day I've met with a few people to play Cards Against Humanity. I've had no idea how funny this game is. And offensive. But mostly funny. We were all exhausted after three hours of laughing together. It was great.
On Sunday I've been to Westfield, the biggest shopping center in Europe and I didn't know about that fact. I was helping Diana with choosing a dress for the New Years Eve party with her family. It was fun, I like the girl and spending over two hours in her company was nice.
I was hoping that I'll be free on the week before my flight back home for Christmas. Yeah. No way. I still am surprised that I have a buzzing social life now. A year ago I wouldn't even think that I will be invited to two parties on the same day. And I was. With the PolSoc we've had a Christmas dinner at Mamuśka on Thursday, from which I had to run back to the central London for a birthday party of one of my GeekSoc friends. If I had any money on me I'd have probably stayed in the centre a few hours longer and I'd have gone to a gay bar with some friends, but since I'm broke nearly all of the time I just went back home around midnight. Duh.
Friday, 13th December. THE HOBBIT PREMIERE! I must say that I was a tad disappointed after seeing the movie. I didn't exactly like the way they have shown Beorn, I wish they put a sleeping Bombur in the Mirkwood episode, some things were going too fast and the ending was way too long. Also HOW CAN YOU STAND SO CLOSE TO A DRAGON AND DON'T GET HURT, IT'S A MOTHERFUCKING FURNACE WITH WINGS FOR GOD'S SAKE! Yeah. I didn't like the scene with Smaug and Bilbo. Not at all.
Moving on! Yet another LSH meeting on Saturday. This time we made it to St. Bart's ;] And on the following day I was flying back to Poland. I've been to my high school to give a presentation on studying in the UK, did nothing more for a week, met with Mycroft on Monday, helped with getting the Christmas tree ready since my sisters had no idea how to put the 'sparkly chains' on. Little snorts. But I love them. And already miss them. A LOT.
On 25th I've gone with Akira and Kamcio to see yet another Hobbit premiere this year. Fudging Poland. Always behind the rest of the world. But this time I might be actually happy for that fact... After I got back home me and Akira sat down to watch some more Supernatural. I figured out that we have the HD (O___O) when we're watching it on the old, small TV in the kitchen so we've spend quite some time there. Watching. And eating. KITCHEN, remember? We were supposed to finish the 6th season separately and watch the whole 7th together but of course we were behind the schedule. But in three days we've managed to get from the middle of season 6 to the middle of season 7, so it's not that bad. FEELS. I've cried when Bobby died. I think that I wouldn't be able to get myself together after that if I wasn't watching that episode with my sister. We help each other cope when there are too many feels. Yep. That's what family's for. And for having someone to give cool presents to and use them later yourself. Like 'Bobby Singer's Guide to Hunting'.
My own Team Free Will. We've finally met on the 27th of December, a day before my flight back to London. In Herbaciarnia. Memories... Those few hours should have been a few days. I miss them so much. And I won't be able to see them soon. And there is so many things that I'd like to talk about with them, so many hugs I want to give... Kisses too now. Maybe. I wish that I was braver. Or that Sherlock wouldn't ask me to go with him for that little bit longer that day. I no longer know what to make out of all of this. *sigh*
Early Saturday morning, drive to the airport, saying my last goodbyes for this year, flight to London, getting back to the house, rest. I was really exhausted. I don't think if I can talk about jet lag here, but this one hour sure makes a difference. At least for me. And at least now.
Last two days I couldn't bother to wake up before noon. Depression? Maybe a little.
Sherlock Season 2 marathon at AJ's place yesterday, Season 1 a day before. 'We are not watching The Blind Banker, as it does not exist.' I wasn't complaining in the slightest. The guitar playing and depression talking was fine too. I get pretty melancholic towards the end of the year anyway, no better way than to reminiscent and play some good ol' rock.
OK, now I'm going out to watch the fireworks at London Eye and listen to Big Ben strike twelve.
See ya!
'If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me...?
For I must be traveling on now
'Cause there's too many places I've got to see'