...to London.
But you must agree that this looks like something from Night Vale, at least at a first glance. 'If you see anything suspicious say nothing and drink to forget.' Or at least I remember it that way.
OH-kay, where were we? Oh, yes, I know. Monday, the 4th of November, greeted me with the deadline for two assignments. And as always I've been finishing my essay at the last moment. Good thing is that at least I had my PowerPoint presentation from fieldweek ready on Saturday. But that's not the most important part of this week. The day after, the 5th of November, was way significant. Not only because it was all about fireworks and Guy Fawkes but also because I've spent quite a lot of time with Charlie, Steph, Jack and Shirley and suddenly I've realised how well Charlie and Steph fit together. Yes, I'm kinda interested in both of them, but they'd make a cute couple. Which some later events make me believe in even more. But let's get back to our story. FIREWORKS! I love them. I've always associated them with New Year's Eve and they made me feel like something special was happening. Seeing them for the first time in London, especially during such important event for the British, made butterflies come to life in my stomach. Being close to people with whom I seem to have created some kind of bond over those two months might have coupled my feelings. I was just immensely happy at that moment. Happy and free. Oh, now I'm getting melancholic. The following day M&A Society had a social meeting - for once we weren't watching anime but actually socialising. Yeah, 'socialising'... Playing Ninja, charades and hide and seek. Yup, all of us are responsible adults. REALLY. Oh, yeah, the reason for the social was that it was reading week - which meant that most of the departments had literally a week off (and many ppl went back home to meet with their families). But not meds and geographers. Oh well. I'm not complaining, I've had my fieldweek <3
Next week - another assignment for Monday, how lovely. And since I knew that I have yet another essay to write for the next week I wanted to catch one of my lecturers and ask him about the topic I've chosen. Of course I couldn't find him anywhere, even though I've checked his office hours and was waiting for him to show up. Sometimes you just can't get what you need... The same day during the screening M&ASoc started working on the anime music cover band but I'm no longer sure if anything wll come out of that. Which doesn't mean I'm not interested. On Wednesday I got really pumped up for the Study Abroad program because of the briefings on different destinations. I wish I could go to California or North Carolina but it's too expensive, I'll find another way to get to the States (yeah, a roadtrip on the Route 66 is still on my bucket list). And for now - either Singapore or New Zealand I guess. Hopefully the former.
Have you ever tried to fit five adults on a queen bed? No? You should try, it can be fun. Also that one time I've been warm throughout the whole Sunday night, which was new. My room is friggin' cold nearly all the time. Yep, we've had a sleepover. With Charlie (we were at his place), Steph, Fiona and Hamilton. AJ didn't join us this time. Half of the time I've been trying to finish my essay due in few hours time, the other half I've been eating pizza and watching Hammy/Steph play something similar to The Walking Dead. That's what I call a good party. But let's get back to fitting five adults on a queen bed - obviously because of its size we had to get quite close together. And that's when I realised how cute Charlie and Steph would be as a couple. He's around 6'4" I guess, height similar to Jared Padalecki, she's a bit shorter than I am (5'7"). And they fit really nice together. Charlie is normally pretty defensive of his personal bubble but this time he had nothing against putting his arm around Steph and holding her close. And they've talked quietly to each other while laying there, which made me feel warm in my tummy. It was just SO. CUTE. What about the rest of the gang? Fiona was lying on her back on the left side of the bed, which meant that Steph at some point kicked her off of it. Yes, kicked her, since she and Charlie were lying 'upside-down' and facing left (the four of us had to keep on our sides, otherwise we wouldn't be able to fit on the bed). Hammy practically had Charlie's feet in his face, and I've been strategically snuggled up to his back with my arm around him to keep me from falling off the bed. It felt good, being there, with them, like that. As I've said before - I've been warm for the whole night. Furthermore it is really nice to feel another human being laying beside you. I haven't felt that for three months now and having a queen bed all to myself isn't helping at all. Too much space, sometimes I just feel very lonely there... Speaking of which: since I don't have too much money on me (to be honest I have nearly nothing at all) I've kinda stopped meeting with people because my brain keeps telling me that I need money to do that. To socialise. I know that it's not true, that I don't have to buy myself a beer every time I'm out at the pub with GeekSoc, but still. Earlier I didn't buy it because I was too afraid to do so (my social skills practically don't exist...), now I won't buy it because I'm too poor and it just kinda blocks me from going out. Being aware of my poverty. Ugh, I tell you, it's terrible. But I'm gonna find a job once I'll be back in London after Christmas, so it's gonna be ok. At least that's what I keep telling myself. DON'T EVEN TRY TO DEMOLISH MY DREAMS.
That Sunday I've slept about two hours, got up at 8, got back home around 9, finished my essay a few minutes before 12, sent it and went out for the Changing Natural Environment lecture. I've skipped AKC thinking that I can simply go for the repeat of the lecture (video recording) on Wednesday, but I never did. The same goes for this week. I'm just glad that Anna is a good student and sent me her notes, otherwise I'd be kinda fucked. Too many absences, most of them because I've been sleeping too long. I must do something about my sleeping pattern, SERIOUSLY, going to bed around 3AM and waking up at noon is not the best way to spend your life. Maybe that was the reason why I've caught a cold and was literally DYING last week. But don't worry, I'm better now. And I have realised that I'm addicted. What is more interesting, I am addicted to a literal drug. Xylogel (Otrivine/Sudafed, they all have the same active substance in them). I've been taking it for God knows how long. I am perfectly aware that I shouldn't. And since my last 'bottle' of it has gone dry I'm trying to survive without it. Breathing was never that hard, I tell you. I had no idea that this thing stops blood from going to my nose, making the veins smaller and thus letting the nostrils get more air to my lungs. Or something like that, I'm not a specialist here. So yeah, basically I have to work on my breathing now. It sucks. But I don't want to be addicted, so a detox like that might be a good thing. No, it IS a good thing.
OK, I had no idea that it's gonna get so long again, I'll stop writing now and add yet another note in the morning. There's enough material for it, believe me.
'Ain't no need to worry
Ain't no use to cry
'Cause I'll be comin' home soon
To keep you satisfied'