1958 - nieskończoność
Dla Michaela. Here I sit deep in thought
I miss you Michael
My grieving heart
Aches so much but no one sees
This feeling buried deeply inside of me
I try to find solace to escape the pain
But peace is fleeting, joy is vain
I dont want my blues to bring folks down
So I smile and pretend until no ones around
Then ghosts of sorrow haunt me again
Why cant this heartache ever end?
I cry and cry many tears over you
Why cant they leave you alone?
Why do they continue to lie on you?
You dont deserve to be treated this way
Im tired of hearing gossip about what they say
If I could change the past
I would gladly do it for you
So you could have always smiled and never be blue
I wish I could have protected you from this cruel, cruel world
For you are more precious to me than rubies
More valuable than pearls
I am glad you are not here to see
The betrayal of those who claimed to be
Loyal friends and companions but only after fame
By being closely connected to your name
My patience for justice gets lost sometimes
I feel like I am losing my mind
Helpless to stop the medias spin
Just when you think its over, it starts again
If they would open their blind eyes and hearts
To clearly see
The brilliant, kind human being that you will always be
Nothing jaded or fabricated
Pure love in human form
I thank God often for the day that you were born
There will never be another like you
God didnt make a pair
So my grieving heart will have to wait
For heaven to forever be with you there