Gz??? no 07:11 You advanced from Level 41 to Level 42. 07:11 You advanced from Level 41 to Level 42.
You see a crusader helmet (Arm:8).
It weighs 52.00 oz
You see a tower shield (Def:32).
It weighs 82.00 oz.
07:17 You see a knight armor (Arm:12).
It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins.
It weighs
You see a bright sword (Atk:36, Def:30 +1).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 30 or higher.
It weighs 29.00 oz.
The blade shimmers in light blue.
You see plate legs (Arm:7).
It weighs 50.00 oz.
07:18 Using one of 12735 gold coins.::D :D.. Pozdro :D