Cześć, cześć, cześć~ Jarajcie się wielkim powrotem Pauli, Ola tak nalegała bym coś dodała, to dodaje taki miksik, wykonania Oli, oczywiście ja sobie żrem lizaczaka, ziom. :D
Chyba namówię Olę na skajpa-kamerki, lolololo. Kocham tą jej durną mordkę. <3
Jest w chuj dla mnie ważna, mendzia mała, grubasek mój. <3
I tyle, yo.
The Summers not hot without you
Hope to get to see ya
The summer wont start without you
The temperature is 99
And it can get much higher
So come on over Romeo
And vamos a la playa
Cause baby, you're a firework,
Come on show 'em what you're worth.
Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah",
As you shoot across the sky.
Baby, you're a firework,
Come on let your colors burst.
Make 'em go,
"Aah, aah, aah",
You're gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe.
Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have