nobody asked for life to deal us with these bullshit hands we're dealt
we gotta take these cards ourselves and flip em dont expect no help
now i could have either just stayed at home sit on my ass and
pissed and moanedor take this situation with
which im placed in and get up and kick my own
i was never the type of kid to wait by the door and
pack his bagsand sat on the porch and hope and prayed
for a dad to show up who never did...
here today gone tomorrow but you'd have to
walk a thousand milesin my shoes, just to see !
Eminem [ który kojarzy mi się z Marcią :) ]
myślę,że powyższy tekst mówi sam za siebie.
tymbardziej komuś kto mnie zna...
PAMIĘTAJ! Czasem musisz się zgubić,
żeby ktoś mógł Cię znaleźć!
dziękuję,że mnie znalazłeś! <3