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Dodano: 12 CZERWCA 2007

ja ;(

! Witam !

co tam u Was słychać ?!?!

u  mnie hujowo :(

no ale cóż !

dodaje prawdopodobnie ostatniąą  


na photoblogu

w sobotęę  było cudownie !!

Dzięękuje !



humor mam zjebany od niedzieli

ale life is brutal  

piosenka i spadam  bo nie wiem co pisaćć !

 Don't matter
Konvict Konvict

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you

Nobody wanna see us together
Nobody thought we'd last forever
I feel I'm hopin' and prayin'
Things between us gon' get better
Men steady comin' after you
Women steady comin' after me
Seem like everybody wanna go for self
And don't wanna respect boundaries
Tellin' you all those lies
Just to get on your side
But I must admit there was a couple secrets
I held inside
But just know that I tried
To always apologize
And I'ma have you first always in my heart
To keep you satisfied

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you

Got every right to wanna leave
Got every right to wanna go
Got every right to hit the road
And never talk to me no more
You don't even have to call
Even check for me at all
Because the way I been actin' lately
Has been off the wall
Especially toward you
Puttin' girls before you
And they watchin' everything I been doin'
Just to hurt you
Most of it just ain't you
Ain't true
And they won't show you
How much of a queen you are to me
And why I love you baby

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you

Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause I got you
Cause I got you
Cause I got you babe
Cause I got you

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no


fellxmyxsmile Ty jak bedziesz miec max to dodasz new?? :D


bu$iak :*
18/06/2007 13:57:50
fellxmyxsmile xxxxxxxxx wypierdalaj

a fotka


pieeeknu$$$a :*****

Migusiem mi tu fotke dodac


Buziak :*
18/06/2007 13:57:14
fellxmyxsmile Slicznie

dodaje do znajomych

bu2iak :**
17/06/2007 15:12:58
~verus fajne takie oryginalne :)
:):) buśki
16/06/2007 16:44:36
~miska super fptka :* :)) :)) ślicznie... tak poczytałam komy i jedna jest brechtowna ta jakiejś xxx :P
16/06/2007 10:38:21
berta1994 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........................

i ta xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

to jakas walnieta :)

Zazdrosna chyba :P
13/06/2007 21:33:13
berta1994 KuRw*

Jak TY Tu PiEkNIe WySzŁAs :D

JeDnak To NIrOdzinnE Bo Ja BrZyDko WyChodze :P

PoZdRo KuZYNKo Ty Moja :D
13/06/2007 21:27:49
factoryofmalinowa nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
13/06/2007 16:35:17
~basia022 ślicznie wyszłaś :)

mam nadzieje ze to jednak nie bedzie ostatnia fotka :P

BuZZiaki :*
13/06/2007 16:06:53
~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i bardzo dobrze ze ostatnia fota

bo i tak jestes brzydka

jak sie nie cykasz to dodaj tego koma

ale i tak wiem ze nie dodasz bo sie cykasz dziwo
13/06/2007 14:59:38
klaudia774 ładna fotka :
buzka :*:*:*
wbijaj :):)
13/06/2007 13:52:29
lineczka15 śliczna focia ... taka inna:)
13/06/2007 13:23:23
Użytkownik usunięty asz


kochana kuzyneczka:D


12/06/2007 22:10:25
rooobacekxnxxtweetyxxx Sliczna footka
czrno-biala ladna
12/06/2007 21:12:56
Użytkownik usunięty siema:D spoko fota;d pzdr;)
12/06/2007 20:47:56
~werowerka eee bedzie cacy nie smutac mi sie;)

12/06/2007 20:19:01
~juulkaa93 hej :*

śliczna foteczka ;*

ejj.. nie smutamy :( ;*

Bu2iaK ;**

Ka Ce ;)) ;**
12/06/2007 20:08:51
rozyczka151 Śliczna focia:*:)
Tylko szkoda że może ostatnia;(:p


Hyy ;)

Ja tez:*
12/06/2007 19:57:55
Użytkownik usunięty ostatnia .?
Oszty !
nie pozwalam :(
Ładnie :**
Buziakk :**
12/06/2007 19:18:57
ewelka1478 Slicznie kochAnie

reszta wtamtym komciu


nie mam buziaka :(


ale i tak KC: D
12/06/2007 19:00:27

Informacje o pattusia16

Inni zdjęcia: Stasic duchem obecny bluebird11... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24Fix me milionvoicesinmysoulArchiwum X pustkawarzona... maxima24Ławka zużyta. ezekh114Kto zgadnie gdzie to jest? keris