Ja pierdole, znowu.
Wchodzę wczoraj do łazienki, patrzę w stronę okna i co widzę? Kwiatki. Nie. Tego nie można nazwać „kwiatkami” to jakieś jebane chaszcze postawione na parapecie. Nie są wcale ładne, tylko wpierdolone do jakiś starych Gargamelowatych doniczek. Pierdolone badyle, które nic, tylko zabierają miejsce. Pewnie nawet nic z tego gówna nie wyrośnie, bo są już skażone osobą Gargamela. Kurwa. Już od dawna nie łubie kwiatów.
Zastanawiałam się nad dziennikarstwem muzycznym. Dochodzę do wniosku. że nic z tego nie wyjdzie. Za mało wiem. Chujowo
Wczoraj z Ilczukowa. Dzisiaj potrzebny film i lody. Będzie lepiej.
Badyl od Oktawy – złamał się.
Lyrics: Kraak & Smaak -Squeeze Me
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me
You make me feel so nice, when I'm around with you
Wake up in the morning and I'll spend my whole life with you
The sweetness of your smile helps away with all of my fears
If it should all go wrong our lives will come to tears
I've never been so deep into anyone else but you
A place with in my heart, never been so close to you
And if you want me to hang around and I'll never let go
I'll give you all my time, stick around with you for sure
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
But you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me
If this should not come true, Im'a give my heart to you
To keep safe in your arms like i know that you want me to.
It gives me so much joy that i can call you all of mine
Or will it all work out, we'll i see just give it time.
And if it all goes right looking down from a birds eye view,
I'll see my life made good from the time that i spent with you
I'll give you anything and everything will work out fine
So I can trust in you because you give me peace of mind
'Cause you are all i want
And you are all i need
'Cause you are all i want
'Cause you are all i want
And you are all i need
'Cause you are all i want
You take me by the hand, because I'm you only man
Because I'm your only man, because I'm
'Cause you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
'Cause you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
'Cause you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
'Cause you make everything alright
When you hold and you squeeze me tight
I'll do anything for you
You''ll do anything for me
I'll do anything for you keep on telling me keep on using me
I'll do anything for you
You'll do anything for me
I'll do anything for you keep on using me keep on using me
I'll do anything for you
You''ll do anything for
I'll do anything for you keep n telling me keep on using me