It's me and my best friend;)
I think so you are:
patient, charmant, affectueux dandys un dandy, subtil, bon, spirituel, intelligent, civil, avoir le sens de l'humour, mignon, aimable, passionne:), extraordinarie, protecteur, gracieux, cordial, mignon, amusant, cheri...;)
I dream about you to night...:)
When I think about you so I'm very happy, but when I can't think about you so I'm very angry...!!!;)
I love you and I miss you...
Life is dificul, it's very not fer, it's terible...
I hate life...!!!
Je t'aime.
Je peux t'embrasser?? I want it!!!
On va se revoir?? ;(
Dobra a teraz cos po polsku dla moich komentujacych...
U mnie wszystko wporzadku;) od soboty bede miala chate wolna:)
Staruszkowie wyjezdzaja do Zakopanego na tydzien...
Bede imprezowac...:) (hahaha jedzie mi tu czolg??););)