Lekki włam dlaaaa Nikolliii ;)
Welll... where can I start?
I'm not the best, I'm pretty stupid at most times; for some of the things I have done I pretty much hate myself, There was soo much things I could have done this holiday but I didn't....
And then there's you... you're the hardest nut to crack, I fu*king love riddles ;D, your eyes as well, and your smile. Everything just equals to ........ P3RF3CTI0N
Hopefully I'll see you soon 3 months maybe?
Don't forget.
I miss you sooooo fucking badly its untrue.
Włamek od Mateusza z Anglii ( ksywka: Domin lub Anglik ) ;)
P.S: Zdjęcie jest do góry nogami bo reprezentuje nasze rozmowy na skype ;)