the pic from good times with Mariola in Warsaw.
i don't even know why am i here. what should i say. definitely i should've learnt for exams since two hours ago, but... i am so pissed off and it's not just a temporary feeling. i can't focus on something important and that's kind of killing me! my retention is in shreds if i have to be honest... i'm terrified about everything, maybe even i'm scared of living. that's tragic. i need a friend. the first time from a long time, really i just need a friend who would love me just the way I am. i feel empty and Dave said that it's a loneliness. maybe that's true. i am just so sick of watching two people in love and me standing somewhere on the sidelines. the guy I would love can't be mine but a guy who can love me is automatically pushed away by me. so i can greet my future with a lot of cats and books and with a couple of memories in my head. ok, that was a dark scenario of my life, now i can shut the fuck up and go learning about cardinal vowels and organs of speech or better read sex stories about queers "...getting hotter by the second. nothing to do but stroke Jacob's cock, too. they fell into mutual rhythm." nanana. i'm wasting my time.
tak więc nastały ciężkie czasy ale jestem wojownikiem więc przejdę tę Syberię obuta w japonka i glana najwyżej zasypie mnie piasek pustynny z Niagary nie używam znaków interpunkcyjnych więc jest interesująco o już po 20 chyba jestem w czarnej dupie idę zerwać bombki z drzewa poznania dobra i zła a najlepiej zrobię jak zainwestuję w nowy brain pozdrawiam Forrest Gump