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Dodano: 18 KWIETNIA 2007


hiya added new pic mwa on da left nd nati on da right:) just made da foto so it new:) still on da easter hols:D:P luv ya all:* ki$$:* ki$$:* ma fav song- Lady Sovereign Yeah, It's officially the biggest midget in the game. I dunno. Make way for the S.O.V. [Chorus] Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! I'm fat, I need a diet. No, in fact i'm just too light And I ain't got the biggest breast-s-s, but I write all the best disses. I got hairy armpits, but I don't walk around like this. I wear a big baggy t-shirt that hides that nasty sh**. Ugh! Never had my nails done. Bite them down until they're numb. I'm the one with the non-existent bum, Now I dont really give a....Ugh! I'm late for my shepherd's pie Like a high maintenance chick missin' her diamonds. I'm missin' my clippers size. Now bow down to your royal highness. No I dont own a corgi, Had a hamster, it died cuz I ignored it. Go on then, go on report me, I'm English, try and deport me! [Chorus] Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! [ these lyrics found on ] I'm that funky little monkey with the tiniest ears. I don't like drinkin fancy champy, I'll stick wit Heineken beers. Whoops, might burp in ya face, A little unlady-like, What can I say? Well oh gosh i'm not posh, male wit odd socks. I do what i'm doin YEAH! So everybody's entitled to opinions, I open my mouth and sh** I got millions. I'm the middle kid, the riddle kid, I'll make you giggle till your sick Cuz my nose jiggles while I spit. Yeah I do have some stories And its true I want all the glory. Go on then, come on support, I'm English, try and deport me! [Chorus] Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! So I cant dance and I really cant sing. I can only do one thing, And that's be Lady Sovereign! So I cant dance and I really cant sing. I can only do one thing, And that's be Lady Sovereign! [Chorus] Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then Thank you! If you hate me then fuck you! Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dobra teraz ja natalia:D tylko pisze ze ta nocie pisala nicole jak ktos nierozumial:P a niepisala po polsku bo mi sie niechcialo jej pomagac:P:D jeszcze pozdro dla: - calego leszna:*:* - calego Swansea:*:* - calego bvs:*:* - no i wsyskich komentujacych:*:*:*:*:D :[damyrade]


~gonzo na fotki............
24/04/2007 12:02:27
hejka andzia jest unas i podała mi waszą strone...oglądałem zdjęcia są bardzo super... andzia zrobi mi mojego photo bloga...pozdrawiam.
22/04/2007 8:48:50
~izby super^^
21/04/2007 16:09:38
lovestories noo..wspolne taK:) pzdr:*
20/04/2007 15:52:29
~dariabbabe Pozdrowinka ze....Szczecina;P....heh niedlugo do Was wracam:D!! a do BVS idziemy we wtorek....juz sie dowiedzialam;P....hihi....dobrze ze nie zarwe szkoly!!Ej,moze w pon sie spotkamy??ale zobaczymy jeszcze bo nie wiem czy z mama( ble...:( )nie bede musiala iść do Joan.....jeszcze sie moze jakos umowimy na to papa:* a i fajna focia:D komentarz tez;PP....nie slyszalam tej piosenki nigdy;P heh....dobra pa
20/04/2007 10:37:10
Użytkownik usunięty a mogłabyś nie pisac skrutami;p;p
hehe. no ale miniejj więcej czajev;p;p
a piosenkę tez lubiem :)
buziaki ;*
18/04/2007 19:51:17
Użytkownik usunięty ale super:P
to Nicola nie mowi po Polsku??:P
kurcze..nie wiem co ona pisze;P
bo nie umie Angielskiego=(
ale to nic;P
18/04/2007 19:48:07
lovestories fajna foteczka...
18/04/2007 17:55:21
sqly fajne zdj .. fajny pokoik .. nie mam nic do napsisania .. ;p ... buu .. ide sie uczyc na histe .. paa
18/04/2007 17:27:02
~daxis Foteczka śliczniutka jak zawsze :D:D
I notka też :)
Zarówno ta po polsku jak i ta po angielsku !!
A owj piosenki niestety nie znam:P
Pozdro dla Was :*:*
18/04/2007 16:12:50
~lovestories świetnie.fajne kolorki.Ciebie też pozdrawiamy!:*
18/04/2007 16:09:15
kadyss heh $liczniutkie foto :*
a komentarz Nicoli zrozumialam xD pzdr:*
18/04/2007 16:03:35
~asiula62 super zdjęcie :)
18/04/2007 16:02:34