"We're done but it's not over
We'll start it again
Out to the end of the day
It keeps getting better
Don't be afraid, we'll do it together
Gone are the days of the summer
We couldn't changed it if we tried
Let's go where we got to
Our time is here."
/ "Our time is here" - Aaryn Doyle /
- "Why are you doing this? After all that he did to you..."
- "I have to. Either I try to start over or..."
- "Or what?"
- "I....don't know. All I know is that if I don't do this now, it would never be fixed.
Although it would never be as it was before, I have to start over. Once again.
Look, it's a crappy world, but it has to be a flip-side to crappy."
- "The truth is that it was unbearable. How could you possibly move past that? You lost everything -
him and your faith in him. And you come back from that terrible place moving as fast as you can,
trying to leave past behind you. Do you think that you're going to make it"?
Do you think that the second time he would do it better"?
- "I hope so. I believe in second chances."
- "Well...hope you'll work out. I am happy for you, I am. For what it's worth."
Turning a new leaf. Starting all over. Beginning a new life, again. Moving on.
Call it as you want, one thing I know for sure: it's not easy.
Believe me , I know. I've been there.
They say you'll be better off. Or that it would be a good start. But would it be? Could it be?
You don't know. I don't know. I think it could. So do what you have to do, don't turn around,
don't look back. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
Tell yourself that you can do this. You can do this. Appreciate what you have and just...live.
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