[11:09 PM] blcknight: haseyo saranghae
[11:09 PM] saranghae_91: sup blck? :D
[11:09 PM] blcknight: just beeing lazy, and wazzup saranghae?
[11:10 PM] saranghae_91: Just came back home from a walk,so cold xD
[11:11 PM] blcknight: cold? iam next to you saranghae. And i always sweat when i go outside o_O
[11:11 PM] blcknight: well i walk kinda very fast
[11:13 PM] saranghae_91: Hahaha xD But I am a sick blck,that's why xD I wore 3 blouses and I am still cold -_-
[11:14 PM] blcknight: poor you saranghae, you should stay home and rest and give me your adress so i can bring
[11:14 PM] blcknight: you hot chicken soup
[11:14 PM] saranghae_91: Ok xD I will give you my adress on priv blck :D xD
[11:16 PM] blcknight: ok Saranghae xD lol
[11:17 PM] saranghae_91: Prepare my chicken soup! XD
[11:20 PM] blcknight: well iam out, making chicken soup now
[11:20 PM] blcknight: ^^
[11:20 PM] saranghae_91: XDD
[11:20 PM] blcknight: laters
[11:20 PM] blcknight left the room.
O mamo...
Uwielbiam Was moja czatowa rodzinko XD
Ciekawe czy mi przywiezie ten gorący rosołek