whatup ?
nic ciekawego.
nuuuudaaa kurwaaaa.
heee ?
jest tu kto ?
She had the nerve to take the case to court knowin' I rape for sport
Took the stand cryin' denying her whole invoving lying
Why would an ex-cop lie in a sex shop, fly linen down grinnin'
With my coat over my shoulder sittin'
Browsin' pornography (uhh!), the stenographer smilin' the whole time
While jotting verbal photography
Her eyes mahogany
I flashed to a photo in my mind of a body bludgeoned with slashed arteries
Pardon me, back to the case, slap in the face
Examinin' the jury similar to crack in a safe
What happens to bass? It was anistic, I would inhale eighths
Sniff that, sat her ass all over my face and taste it
To hell wit' 1980 remixes, fuck disco
Turned on the 3000, stuck my dick where the disc go
Yokonaz, ripped the sexy MPC 60, buyin' a ticket to hell
Verbally dickin' the 12 down, sound shitty
I knew she used to be gritty
Too many impotent emcees in this God forsaken city