We're like Romeo and Juliet
Fact leaves fate to find us.
Like the tallest mountain on the widest sea
Nothing's big enough to hide us.
When we make love its overwhelming
I just touch the heavens
You're an angel, you're an angel
I said this world, this world.
Could leave us anyday
But my love for you, it will never go away.
And I don't wanna go to sleep
Cuz' you are like a dream
For every night I see you there,
And I swear you are the answer
You're an angel,
you're an angel,
you're an angel.
miał byc mile spędzony weekend..
miało byc spotkanie z nimi..
no i z nim <3
miał byc enemef i dupa.
wszystkie plany poszły się je.bac.
i kolejne pare dni bez niego..
normalnie, życ nie umierac.
w Radomiu.
Dawid =*
i już tęsknię!