She is so quiet
She is so beautiful
She is so light
As the wind
I saw her sitting on the shore
Quietly sang a song about someone's life
Ocean still hummed and sang along with she
This song, about the missing sailors
Don't forget about heaven
About what is important
Don't forget about the stars
Which leads you
Someone still remembers
Still waiting for someone
So sail ahead
To live forever
She flowed with me to show this place
Where he died on the trail after them forever
Who was she? To this day I don't know
At this point it disappeared like a shadow
And you remember, the memories will not disappear
Although the water lost to you today
Memory will be, forever and know
You must navigate to live
Nie pytajcie się mnie czemu...
Dajcie mi odejsć w spokoju.
Dajcie mi znaleźć swoje miejsce na ziemi
Dajcie żyć!!!