It took too long It took too long It took to long for you to call back And normally I would just forget that Except for the fact it was my birthday My stupid birthday
I played along I played along I played along it rolled right off my back Obviously my armor was cracked What kind of boyfriend would forget that? Who would forget that?
The type of guy who doesn't see What he has until she leaves Don't let me go Cuz without me, you know you're lost Wise up now or pay the cost So you will know
You're not livin till you're livin' Livin with me You're not winnin till you're winnin Winnin me You're not gettin till you're gettin Gettin to me You're not livin till you're livin Livin for me
This is the potential breakup song Our album needs just one Oh baby please Please tell me
We got along We got along We got along until you did that Now all I want is just my stuff back Do you get that? Let me repeat that I want my stuff back
You can send it in a box I don't care just drop it off I won't be home Cuz without me, you know you're lost Minus you I'm better off So you will know
You're not livin till you're livin Livin with me You're not winnin till you're winnin Winnin me You're not gettin till you're gettin Gettin to me You' re not livin till you're livin Livin for me
You can try, you can try You know I know it'd be a lie Without me you're gonna cry So you better think clearly, clearly Before you nearly, nearly Mess up the situation that your gonna miss dearly, dearly C'mon
You're not livin till you're livin Livin with me You're not winnin till you're winnin Winnin me You're not gettin till you're gettin Gettin to me You're not livin till you're livin Livin for me
This is the potential breakup song Our album needs just one Oh baby please Please tell me
This is the potential break-up song Just admit you're wrong Which will it be? Which will it be?
O sobie: imie:Patryśka
nazwisko:ci,którzy mnie znają to wiedzą;]
ksywa:najczęściej Patiś albo pyćka..:D
znak zodiaku:Wodnik
ulubiony kolor:różowy,biały,brązowyz,złoty
Hobby: koszykówka,chodzenie po sklepach z ciuchami:D
ulubione zajecie:spotykanie sie z chlopakiem i moimi friends, siedzenie na necie,picie kawki z moimi kochanymi dziewczynkami,lansowanie sie spokojna muzyczka w czasie mojego zdenerwowania albo stresu,spanie-to jest to co kocham najbardziej:Dmelanze...jeah...zakonczenie ciezkiego tygodnia po szkole;poczywiscie tradycyjnie---chodzenie po sklepach z dziewczynami;]granie w koszykowke i siatkowke;]
ulubione danie:cos po wlosku :D
co cenie u ludzi?:Dchyba to co zwykle kazdy:szczerosc,zaufanie,prawdomownosc,dobroc,milosc,kolezenstwo,przyjaz,poczucie humoru,szczere rozmowy,ambitnosc,przyznanie sie do bledow..i bla bla
czego nienawidze u ludzi?:pbleh..;/
chamstwa,klamstwa,nienawisci,glupiej zazdrosci,beszczelnosci,ironicznego zachowania,popisywania sie,parszywych tekstow co po niektorzy takie maja->beznadzieja,glupiego lampienia sie;/o buu....pustoty,glupoty,olewania wszystkiego,brak szacunku i tolerancji...