[b]I can't believe this now
This isn't what I planned
I lived and died and now
I just can't understand
With all the love I feel
I could never leave him
No matter what the cost
My soul's the price to see him[/b]
[b]And He will never know
For love I sold my soul [/b]
bo mi smutno x(.
bo mi źle. x(.
bo mi sie znowu chce płakać x(.
[chlip. .] ?.
znowu wam smuce. x(.
moożecie mnie pozabijać.
eh dobra tam.
braQ weny.
braQ humoru.
braQ chęci. x(.
Miłego wieczoru.
ah x(.
[b]And He will never know
For love I sold my soul [/b]
[aj low ju.]