Hejka Lamo, kocham Cie <3 :**
Nauka mnie dobija. Tak bardzo mi się nic nie chce.
Leniuszkiem jestem :<
Potrzebuje, dobrej książki, czekolady, koca i wolnego czasu.
Wtedy bede szczesliwa.
Dajcie mi piątek i grudzień plis.
How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan
How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash upon the sand
How long will I want you
As long as you want me too
And longer by far...
Inni zdjęcia: :P pink45Spokój locomotivNauka locomotivModa locomotiv... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24... maxima24Proza [...]. ezekh114Modelka na wybiegu... halinam