I've got a heart full of pride, and you can never take the pride away from me.
That feeling makes me full of strenght,
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
I've got a heart full of pride, and you can never take the pride away from me.
That feeling makes me full of strenght,
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a heart full of strenght, a strenght build with pride is keeping me alive
it makes my life worth fighting for,
and I will never think that I'm worthless anymore
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
I've got a vein in my heart that never dies,
I got a heart full of pride
1. Piekny Roman ma piekne umysł.Ta,to tak równoznaczne z prawda jak to,że piję wódke zamist mineralnej.( a chciałabym:P )
2.Pierwszy raz o niepamietnych czasów czytam lekture szkolna.Padło na "Przedwiosnie" .I nawet mi się pododba.
3.Widziałam dzisiaj kobiete,która przypominała mi Pawełka 10 lat pózniej,nawet podobnie się zachowywała.
4.Boli mnie głowa.
a na koniec SUPER KAWAŁ.
"- czym sie różni kabina prysznicowa od stosu martwych dzieci?
-z kabiną prysznicową nie da sie uprawiac seksu"