Więc, nasze przedstawienie już w czwartek. Nie mam neta, i nie mam czasu za bardzo na nic ostatnio.
Ludzie są genialni i w ogóle jest świetnie. xD
Zapraszam wszystkich chętnych na Blasphemy na Clarendon Street (koło grafton), Clarendon House the Basement! 21 kwietnia o 20 premiera.
Bilety po 7 i 10 eu xD. Będzie boskoooooo! Nie mogę się doczekać.
Jak są chętni to rezerwować przez email [email protected]
To tyle, bo nie chce mi się pisać.
Why do you think you know it all and your always right?
I don't get that.
I really don't get that.
Why do you lie to me?
Why can't you just make a fucking effort? I am
Your so smart with your little comments aren't you?
Why are you being a dickhead
for no reason?
Why have you changed?
Why did you have to change like that?
Why are you such a snob?
Stop kissing arse. Stop assigning me more fucking assignments I've been assigned too fucking much okay?
I'm not a child and I know your two-faced. I went to the trouble of texting you now text me back.
Its really obvious you're looking for attention right now.
Cause you're a sea of information thats spilling out from all sides.