For you on fire, I'm talking literally.
It's crazy tango - crazy as Early.
And feeling familiar to us,
every second stronger
per second is not negligible, and let burn forever.
Amorous embrace. We and flowering cherries,
lead to rainbows. Where await decisions?
What are the results?
and what lies beyond them?
I believe that we will reach where others were not!
At any one moment, I have concerns about you
of each other less and you also have so probably
And it is beautiful, incomprehensible as a concept.
Love concept - relative concept.
In effect, our fates unknown,
but the idea of the unknown because it's important that with you.
Our crossed hands wildly forever.
It's crazy tango remains a constant reality.
Crazy tango. On the whole,
according to the commandments, I promise to kill her.
I promise to be with you,
even when the flame
will, our bodies forever united
14 najwspanialszych miesięcy mego życia.